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Cosplay Pt. 01

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This week we shrug off the mundane and go geek for fashion and role-play as we talk about cosplay! Get sucked into a world of fantasy, makers, and something that definitely goes beyond “dressing up.”

Guests: Tony Faith of Thirty Something Digital and Pete Mazzoli of DaPete Cosplay and Props

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These geeks get deep when they delve into one of the foundational pillars of geekdom… Video Games! There’s no way to cover all the of gaming in one episode but these fellas try.

Guests: Tony Faith from Thirty Something Digital, Daniel Holley, Dungeon Master and gaming nerd, and Nick Adducci from House Adducci

They’re Action Figures!

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We play around with a fun little topics that some assume might be “just for kids.” Our geeky guests take us into the wide, wild world of toy collecting!

Guests: Ryan and Jennifer Bell from The Pegwarmers podcast and Nick Adducci from House Adducci